I miss the simplicity and innocence of my youth. The good guys (the ones in the white hats) always won, Superman was always there to save the world from fiendish villans, and horses could talk to their owners. We listened to what our parents said (or else). Most of us needed to work if we wanted anything besides what our parents could give us. Not to suggest that I didn't break a hell of a lot of the rules, but we also understood something called consequences.
Now, I'm not against progress. I retired from a good job, and I believe the only constant thing is change. I've seen more global change in my lifetime than my Grandfather did in his, and he saw a man walk on the moon. That little metal and plastic box you're reading this from has prompted more positive change in the world than anything else, short of the Industrial Revolution or the invention of the internal-combustion engine. I've come to a point though, where I wish for a little more ordinary life with more time to stop and smell the flowers. The links on this page lead you to some pretty funny stuff I collected from emails sent by friends, and loved ones. A lot of it relates to those thoughts.
But, don't say I didn't warn you!
These pages aren't for the easily offended. Some of these jokes are absolutely hilarious, some are very off-color, some will give one pause to think about the current state of the world, and some are politically incorrect. Those who know me are quite aware that at the age of 60+ I feel I've earned the right to be funny, off-color, introspective, or politically incorrect any damn time I want to! If you have this page link you're probably someone who already knows me, or a friend of someone who knows me. By the way, some of these jokes date back to the beginning of the George W. Bush administration. Since he'll most likely be remembered for something less than his best, (or blamed for all the current problems) I decided to leave them in place. I also opted to not do any Obama jokes. His work record will certainly speak for itself.
Please allow me to now present you with…