Welcome to My Shop
It's You came in
How you doin'? Me… not too bad.
Summa youze know me as Donnie Shooze. Summa youze know me as Mickey the Pencil. Summa youze know me as Guido Salvatore. And, summa youze know me as Doc.
I'm here to tell ya, nutin' leaves a lasting impression like wearing it when you're out wit your crew ('cept maybe my ring, like dat time when I hadda back-hand some jamook when his payment was light).
Lissen up! I don't wanna see youze in my neighborhood, wearing your too big pants hangin' off your ass showin' your drawers (we gonna think maybe youze a finook ), wit your hat on side ways. If I do, I'm gonna take your freakin' hat and whizz in it. Then I'm gonna pull those stoopid pants down around your ankles, and chase you down the block wit a bat. The neighborhood where I grew up, only guys dressed like that was the poverett's. They was wearing their big brother's stuff 'cause that's all they had. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the tizzuns always dress like that. Faghedda bout it!
Are you freakin' kiddin' me? You wanna be an associate? Get serious! Start lookin' the part. Show some respect!
Hey, so as part of his tax I got this guy to launch a clothing line wit my name on it. Take a look at summa the stuff I got.